I know, I know, it’s the cop from It’s a Wonderful Life. And he was also in Rio Bravo and Wagon Train among his 271 roles dating back to the early 1930’s. Well anyway that’s not our guy. If you want to check out more about Ward Bond the actor, click here.
This week’s guest is well known television personality DOCTOR Ward Bond.

He hosts his own show, Nutritional Living with Ward Bond, which can be seen nationwide on just about every cable provider. He’s just published a new book seen here. Get your questions ready to call in on Saturday.

ATTENTION: North Texas residences and wildly rich folks who can drop everything and travel to DFW on Saturday.
Martie is speaking at the Riggs Chiropractic Clinic in Plano at 10am. Martie will also be signing copies of her new book. Riggs Chiropractic is on Parker Rd. Click HERE for directions and such.
See you on the radio