Friday, April 27, 2012

Restless legs, magnesium, high blood pressure, cake, events

 Healthy by Nature radio show this week: We talk about looking younger at any age and avoiding dangerous procedures. Dallas area practitioner, Dr. Darcy Brunk, discusses the use of micro-currents to improve the appearance and health of the skin and to lift and tighten facial features. Then Valerie Hall, CNHP covers the foods and supplements that contribute to our good looks (and health). Note: below and from now on, I’ll include in the newsletter the links from the previous week’s show and a link to the archive in case you missed it. Click here to find podcasts, show archives and ways to listen nationwide. Call with questions during the show at 1-800-281-8255.
Restless Legs and Blood Pressure
I recently noticed an article about a study that linked restless legs syndrome and hypertension among middle-aged women. The study included 65,544 women (aged 41-58 years) that participated in the Nurses' Health Study II. (I’m glad to know that the experts think that 58 is still middle aged because it means I could live to be 116!) The article mentioned that iron deficiency is thought to be one cause of restless legs. I looked up the abstract (LINK) to see if perhaps they also mentioned magnesium They did not, but it seems maybe they should have. Magnesium is considered a potential help for restless legs and often is helpful for high blood pressure too. (Magnesium has a looong list of other benefits.) The following linked article lists the many things (mostly drugs) being considered for helping restless legs. LINK

A review of 29 trials indicates that Vitamin C helps lower blood pressure. The typical dose was 500 mg / day. LINK. The vitamin also improves the absorption of iron from food, so C might also be useful for restless legs if it was due to low iron.
Bill and I were elated that our daughter, Laura McMullen married Rob Fuller on Saturday. A few times a year I make an art project type of cake for family events. This groom's cake (photo below) was a bigger deal than usual and I was pretty relieved to have it completed. The basket, bottle, napkin, apple etc. is life size and everything you see is edible, being made of cake and frosting. I just have to show off the picture here because the evidence of that work becomes a pile of crumbs so fast! If you are into that sort of thing, here is a link to a bigger photo and some of my other cakes. (Nothing healthy about them I’m afraid.) LINK.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
10:30 – 1:30 (come and go as you like)Ezzilift Mother’s Day Party Open House

•    Demos of the micro-current facelift device
•    Special Savings (buy a kit for the price of just the device)
•    Gift bag (a gift for just watching the demo, more gifts with purchase)
•    Refreshments
Location: HealthWorks Center (On the back side of the shopping center on the SW Corner of Parker & Independence in Plano, TX. Street address: 3221 Independence, 75075. For more information call 1-877-262-7843.)
Saturday, April 28, 2012 -- 10th Annual, Integrative Oncology Conference
   Hilton Dallas / Southlake Town Square
   100 Plaza Place, Southlake, Texas, United States 76092
   To register: email or Call 512-342-8181. Experts from around the world will lecture on the many diet, lifestyle, emotional and even spiritual issues involved in causing and curing this dreaded disease. They will also talk about cutting edge therapies. Doctors and other health professionals can earn continuing education credits (LINK).  There are also lectures for the public on Saturday. Click here for speaker list and cost: LINK 
 Information about last week's show:
Dr. Jeffrey Burke (naturopath and herbalist) talked about which forms of minerals are best absorbed and about a way to take vitamins in fizzy form with Oxylent. Then, producer Andy Hopkins turns things around and interviews me about Aloe vera and my book on the subject. We discussed the science that shows why Lily of the Desert brand is so much more potent than other brands. ARCHIVED SHOW.

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