Thursday, December 11, 2008

It is more blessed to give than to receive

It’s a time of year that the spirit of giving often gets lost in the logistics of giving. We go to the mall, wait in lines, shake our fist at the slow traffic or gripe about the over-commercialization of the season. It’s the giving without expectation of something in return that we often forget about, particularly this time of year. For that reason, among others we’re spotlighting non-profit organizations on this week’s show. We’ve got quite a line up too. By now, because of the picture above, you may have guessed that the one and only Marlo Thomas is on the show. I think most people know her as much for her work with St. Jude as they do as TVs “That Girl” or as Mrs. Phil Donahue. We’re excited to have Marlo on the show. She’s a dynamic lady; you’ll love to hear more about St. Jude’s work to fight against childhood cancer.

It’s always tragic when a kid gets seriously sick. It makes it even worse when that kid is the son or daughter of a single parent.
The Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation was created to help just these types of situations. The River of Life Foundation helps with the purchase of medicine, arranges transportation and treatment that the single parent may not be able to afford as well as enhances and sustains lives in many other ways. River will advocate for airline tickets for a grandparent coming to help, or buy a wig for a self-conscious teenager returning to school after chemotherapy, or pay for ballet lessons for a neglected sibling. Instead of restriction, we give as freely as our River will allow. Valerie Sobel, who founded The River in honor of her son, will join Martie to discuss the foundation.

What if you could save a child’s eyesight for a quarter? Seriously 2-bits! 25 cents. Howard Schiffer started
Vitamin Angels, an organization which has set its sights on the issue of childhood blindness, with plans to eliminate childhood blindness by the year 2020 through the systematic distribution of vitamin A to at-risk children. In addition, Vitamin Angels sponsors programs to supply multivitamins to at-risk children and vital supplements to expecting mothers, worldwide.
Listen for Martie and Howard’s conversation about how just pennies can impact a life forever.

Martie also talks with Mary Morton of
Nourish America. Nourish America is committed to provide the daily essential nutrition that impoverished American children, families, pregnant moms, and seniors and others in need require to live productive, successful lives. Success of the program depends on the partnerships with public schools, churches, Head Start, Healthy Start and WIC programs, homeless and battered women shelters, public health departments, medical clinics, the American Red Cross, Volunteers of America, Salvation Army, Boys and Girls’ Clubs, Feed the Children just to name a few…or a dozen. The list goes on.

Our mission on the Martie Whittekin show has always been in the spirit of education and raising awareness. Our aim with this show is to introduce you to some organizations that are focused on helping people become healthy and stay that way. Often outfits like this don’t have the marketing budgets of the BIG charities, so they can use our help with getting their message out.

"Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give." Barbara Bush

Friday, December 5, 2008


If it’s free, it’s awesome! Well, I guess a free punch in the kisser isn’t all that great. Though it’s probably better than having to PAY for a punch right in the kisser. Ok, I’m really burying the lead here. I started talking about “free,” so let’s focus on things that are free on

Free: Listening to the show live
Free: Listening to scads of
archived shows.
Free: Beaucoup information on specific conditions, digestion, food, probiotics etc.
Free: Sparkling commentary and insight just like this, from me. (come to think of it, we are probably charging too much for this item.)

And now…
Free: a “Health-e Note” from the desk of Martie Whittekin. I know! Pretty cool, huh? Here’s what you do, click
HERE, and sign up for the Health-e Note. Martie will send you periodic emails with pearls of health-wisdom, news items, and nutrition issues.

Here’s an example of what you’ll get. This was sent earlier this week.

What to do if you can’t afford organic produce?
Organic produce is the best for our health and that of farmers and the environment. So, it would be ideal if everyone bought only organic food. However, many are tightening their budgets, so I’d like to suggest a way to safely compromise. Below I’ve listed the commercial foods that are typically the most contaminated with pesticides. That is where buying organic will make the biggest difference.

Apples, Bell Peppers, Celery, Cherries, Imported Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Red Raspberries, Spinach and Strawberries.

The following link is to more information and a printable form to take to the market. It shows the most and least contaminated foods.
Healthy Wishes,
Martie Whittekin

By the way, if you are concerned that we’ll abuse the privilege of having your email address, don’t. We’ll never sell it or let anyone else have it. The worst we might ever do is let you know about special upcoming radio shows and MAYBE a exciting new product. (and we won’t abuse that either.)

Have a great weekend.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good Excuses via Photo Show and Tell

The incomparable Script Ohio performed by The Ohio State Marching Band,
as seen from our seats. Covered and out of the wind!

Well folks, it has been a couple of weeks since I last posted on the RadioMartie Blog. It’s been busy around here. Before I tell you what’s coming up on the show, I’ll give you a little “What Andy did on his vacation.”

The lovely Mrs. Hopkins and I went back to Ohio for the annual border war between The Ohio State University Buckeyes and some college in Michigan. The Buckeyes won, again. It was really cold, but we were bundled up fairly well and, as pictured, we had some hot chocolate.

Enjoying tailgate festivities near the stadium Me, Mrs. H, my sister Lindsay and her hubby Mike.

We also had a great Thanksgiving weekend highlighted by a feast at Martie’s house with a shameful amount of wonderfully prepared food. We had enough leftovers to split up that we could have opened our own Luby’s (insert your local cafeteria here.) I hope your holiday was as nice as mine.

And now on to some Radio Martie news:

This week on the show we’ll talk to Dr. John Cannell and Anne Louise Gittleman. Dr. Cannell, with the Vitamin D Council, will discuss just how important Vitamin D is. It’s a hugely overlooked nutrient, so this is a can’t miss.

If you’ve listened to our show for very long, you’ve definitely heard Anne Louise. We’ll be talking about her Gut Flush Plan this week.

As always be ready to call in with your questions.

JUST IN CASE you missed last week’s show. You owe it to yourself to check it out, here. Dr. Michael Murray, who is basically a rock star in the nutrition industry, talked with Martie about a revolutionary weight loss fiber called PGX. Fascinating.

See you on the radio.


Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I’m looking online to find some information on our guest for this weekend’s show. I know him and have met him several times. But I was looking for info that you might find interesting. So imagine my surprise when I typed in Ward Bond into Wikipedia and came up with this guy.

I know, I know, it’s the cop from It’s a Wonderful Life. And he was also in Rio Bravo and Wagon Train among his 271 roles dating back to the early 1930’s. Well anyway that’s not our guy. If you want to check out more about Ward Bond the actor,
click here.

This week’s guest is well known television personality DOCTOR Ward Bond.

He hosts his own show, Nutritional Living with Ward Bond, which can be seen nationwide on just about every cable provider. He’s just published a new book seen here. Get your questions ready to call in on Saturday.


ATTENTION: North Texas residences and wildly rich folks who can drop everything and travel to DFW on Saturday.

Martie is speaking at the Riggs Chiropractic Clinic in Plano at 10am. Martie will also be signing copies of her new book. Riggs Chiropractic is on Parker Rd. Click
HERE for directions and such.

See you on the radio

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Consumer Magazine

Martie is appearing on KWRD 100.7 FM in Dallas/Ft. Worth tomorrow. She’ll be the guest on Consumer Magazine hosted by Pete Thomson. Martie will be discussing menopause and related symptoms. If you are in the DFW or Tyler be sure to tune in. As always you can listen in online by going here. If you know any women who are experiencing hot flashes or other symptoms related to menopause be sure to let them know about this show, they can listen from our site if they’re out of town. Consumer Magazine 12 – 1pm (central)

I’ll post again soon about our guest for Saturday. Hint: Nationally known TV host….no it's not Oprah, silly…..


Friday, November 7, 2008


This week on the show we’ll be visited by the Prevegen folks. They’ve got some really cool news. The science behind the brain enhancement product won The Nobel Prize for Chemistry this year. I know! That’s cool stuff. But you’ve probably come to expect that type of quality on our show. Does anyone have a heating pad? I think we just sprained our shoulder patting ourselves on the back. Check us out at 8am Central right here. Or you can look at the station directory, here.

Please visit the Radio Martie site. It’s had a terrific make-over. Our resident computer guy Jim Russell put a ton of work into and it looks great. We’d love for you to go spend some time there looking around. Let us know what you think.

You can also sign up for a weekly Healthy Tip Update. We think it will be a neat way to stay in touch with news items and learn something to help you stay healthy and happy.

It’s nice to know that people appreciate what we do here on the blog, and the show. We got some really nice words from Debi at
Debsfavoritethings. She’s excited about the podcasts. Thanks Deb. We are too! Thanks!

Tune in tomorrow, but head over to the newly renovated Hurry!


Friday, October 31, 2008

Hello, Seattle. I'm listening.

Just a quick note to mention Martie was just on Conscious Talk Radio in Seattle this morning. She’s been on so many radio and TV shows lately promoting her book. Too bad you don’t get frequent radio miles, because she’d be platinum by now.

This week on the show…Pamela Smith, MD. She and Martie will discuss how to choose the right nutrients for you. Tune in tomorrow at 8 am (central). Dr. Smith is the author of "What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More"
Pamela Wartian Smith, M.D., MPH spent her first 22 years of practice as an emergency room physician at the Detroit Medical Center. In addition to her medical degree, she also has a master’s degree in public health. Dr.Smith is an internationally known speaker and author on the subject of wellness and anti-aging. She is a member and board examiner of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Physicians. Dr. Smith is the Director of the Fellowship of Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine a credentialed educational program for medical professionals. She is currently director and founder of Center for Healthy Living and Longevity.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Attention all late sleepers

Man, do I think this is cool. I just found out today that Healthy By Nature – The Martie Whittekin Show is now available on pod casts. That means that the millions of folks around the world can now have access to the show via iTunes. If you have an iPod, iPhone or other mp3 player you can download radio and tv shows automatically every time there is a new episode. You can now do that with Radio Martie too! So for those of you who want to sleep late or are already out and about when the show airs you can load it on your iPhone and take it with you.How neat is that?

If you are already an iTunes user, go try it out. Once you are in the iTunes Store search for Healthy By Nature Show or Martie Whittekin. You can sign up for her show there. Then every time you sync your iPod etc. you’ll get the latest show.

There are shows on there from the first half of 2008 or so right now. We’ll have the rest up in time. But from here on out we’ll put the brand new show on iTunes when we put them on our own site.

This could be great for the ever expanding listenership of our little ole show.

See you on the radio….and now iTunes!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Martie's Book

Many of you may have heard the Healthy By Nature Show where I got to interview Martie about her new book. If you missed it you can hear it here. I think it went really well, if I don’t say so myself. If you know anyone from the Marconi Award committee maybe you could drop my name on them.

Back to the Martie’s book. Here’s the cover in case you haven’t seen it.

You should really get this book. You surely know someone that takes acid blocking drugs, that is if you don’t. Natural Alternatives to Acid Blockers could be a life-saver. After you read it, you can pass it along to a friend, or better yet, your Doctor.

Congratulations Martie, on the great success that your book is enjoying.

( I happen to know she’s already working on the second book.)


Monday, October 27, 2008

Long time no talkie

Time sure does seem move fast in this day and age, doesn’t it? I can’t believe that we are already approaching the holiday season. Especially since I look back at the last post and realize it was in APRIL! Sorry about that.

We’ve got some really neat things cooking. Really soon, we’ll be unveiling our new
radiomartie website. It will have a great new look that is in keeping with the cool, fun and informative nature of the show. You’ll be able to view articles and loads of valuable health information. The shows are archived now and will still be on the new site but there’s something new. We’ll be introducing PodCasts to the site. We’ve had some input that folks would like to take the show with them on the road, or gyms, or grocery store or wherever. Look for that soon!

I’ll check back in on you soon.


P.S. Please tell your friends about the show, website and blog. It’s the only way we can reach more people. Thank you so much for your support.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Guest Update

How’s the New Year Resolution about losing the love-handles going? This weekend, Dr. Fred Pescatore joins Martie on the show to discuss Weight Loss.

Dr. Pescatore is a nationally known author and expert on weight loss as well as all things nutrition. Join us for the show and be ready to call in with your questions -- the phone lines will definitely fill up fast. Tune at 8am (Central) tomorrow morning. Click here for stations or to listen live.

Next week – I’ll pull the curtain back a little and post some pictures of the studio.

Have a great weekend.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Last week we had on Mark Zimmerman of Quincy BioScience. Dang! What a response. Folks from all over the country called to get more information about Prevagen. This is a product for brain health that helps by replacing the calcium binding protiens. If you missed it you can go back and hear the entire show here.

This is the initial post of what I hope to be hundreds. I hope that we gain an audience here like we have on the show. I'd love to hear your comments and questions. I can't promise though that I'll be able to act on every one. Martie knows I'm doing this but if she found out that I committed her time, I'd be spending time looking in the "Producers Wanted" section of the newspaper.

Over on the left of the page are a couple of links. One is to the radio show site. I recommend checking it out regularly. It's going to look a far sight better than it does now, and it will have even more information and educational material. The other link is to Real Food Grocery. You can find the products offered by our sponsors there. You should try some new products and by doing so you can support the show.

Thanks for stopping by.

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