Friday, May 18, 2012

Don't be misled about Vitamin E or Selenium

Healthy by Nature radio show this week: I revisit Vitamin B12 with nurse/author, Sally Pacholok because I still have questions. (I promise to rehearse the pronunciation of her name. Last time I said it 6 different ways.) Instead of writing about it here, to follow up on my discussion last week with Doug Kaufmann about fungus/yeast, I decided to bring on Certified Nutritionist Gayle Pruitt because she gives people practical help with the problem every day. Call the show with questions at 1-800-281-8255. Click here to find podcasts, show archives and ways to listen nationwide.
NOTE: Watch for another email from me either later today or in the morning. It announces an event I think might interest you. The sponsoring firm will widely promote my upcoming webinar on digestion. In return I'm asked to notify my mailing list of their teleseminar on becoming a health coach. There will also be a reminder notice sent next week.
I’m doing columns for small town newspapers and thought I’d share a sample.

Dear Martie, I’ve taken a Vitamin E supplement for years to protect my heart. But, I was alarmed recently to hear that it might increase my risk of prostate cancer. I’m hoping that isn’t true. Bill G. Augusta, GA

Dear Reader, The name “vitamin” means the nutrient is essential—i.e. not optional. Hundreds of studies have shown the preventive value of Vitamin E for heart disease, neurological problems and even cancer. However, in a study and its recent follow up (the SELECT trial) they didn’t use the natural form of Vitamin E. The supplement was just one isolated branch of the Vitamin E family and was in a chemical form (rac-a-tocopheryl acetate) shown to be only ½ as helpful as that isolate as found in food. LINK. Many experts believe that the pill they used in the study blocked the protective effects of the real Vitamin E participants might have gotten from food or in a well-balanced supplement.
Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, peanuts, broccoli, spinach, and, to a lesser extent, in other plant foods. The germ at the center of whole grain wheat is also a rich source, but the germ is removed to make white flour. If possible, select a Vitamin E supplement that contains the whole Vitamin E family—i.e. mixed tocopherols including alpha, beta, delta, gamma forms plus tocotrienols. (Our sponsor Jarrow makes a good one, FamilE.) Also, check your multi-vitamin. The form “dl-alpha tocopherol” is a synthetic that is typically derived from petroleum. At least choose one containing the more natural “d-alpha tocopherol”.
In the SELECT trial (which I think was oddly-constructed) prostate cancer risk was increased by 17%. That is not huge, but it is certainly significant. Interestingly, when Vitamin E was combined with another antioxidant nutrient, the mineral selenium, the increased risk all but disappeared. LINK That is logical because antioxidants work in teams and should be supplemented that way.  I recommend starting with a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral which adds other members of the antioxidant team such as Vitamins A and C.

Speaking of selenium, an earlier study (the NPC study) showed that selenium not only reduced prostate cancer incidence an amazing 63%, but also cut deaths from all cancers in half! That study used the same form of selenium that is found in broccoli, onions and garlic (Methylselenocysteine). For reasons I cannot fathom, that study was not followed up and in the SELECT study they used different form of selenium that has not been shown to be very beneficial. LINK
National TV personality, author, fungus expert, Doug Kaufmann, talked about fungus. Diana Denholm discussed her book, The Caregiving Wife's Handbook: Caring for Your Seriously Ill Husband--Caring for Yourself. Help organizations from her website - LINK.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Yeastie Beasties

Healthy by Nature radio show this week: Oh boy! Widely popular national TV personality, author, fungus expert and long-time friend, Doug Kaufmann will be on the show live this time so that he can answer your questions. Then I speak with author Diana Denholm about her book, The Caregiving Wife's Handbook: Caring for Your Seriously Ill Husband…Caring for Yourself. Call show with questions at 1-800-281-8255. Click here to find podcasts, show archives and ways to listen nationwide.
What do these things have in common: mold in the shower grout; toadstools in the front yard; ring worm on the skin; green fuzz on left overs kept too long in the fridge; the thing that makes bread rise and grape juice become wine; a white coating on a baby’s tongue; and the cause of dandruff and athlete’s foot? They are all forms of fungus—some of them called “yeasts”. Add to that list of physical problems caused at least in part by yeast these conditions: depression, foggy thinking, fatigue, achy joints and perhaps even cancer and diabetes.
Virtually every person is host to a certain amount of yeast like the relatively well-known type, Candida. In small amounts when vastly outnumbered by our beneficial bacteria, they don’t cause much mischief. However, when we upset that balance, for example, by taking an antibiotic, danger awaits. It is relatively easy to understand that an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract might be the cause of many chronic digestive problems. Chronic sinus infections are usually caused by yeasts. (Acute sinus infections are rarely bacterial—90% of the time they are caused by viruses. In spite of the fact that antibiotics don’t kill viruses the drugs are often mistakenly prescribed setting the person up for a chronic yeast-based sinus infection.)
In case you find it hard to imagine that internal yeasts might interfere with your thinking or mood, consider the ramblings of a drunk. Remember that I said that yeasts turn grape juice into wine by making alcohol? Yeasts in your system can also turn the grape juice you drank into wine. People who never took an alcoholic drink but who had serious yeast overgrowths have been arrested for DUI.
Alcohol is just one type of “mycotoxinThe last part of that word, “toxin” gives away that these are poisonous substances. (Alcohol is used to kill bacteria on the skin, right?)  The mycotoxins apparently serve the fungus by weakening the host which makes it easier for the fungus to proliferate. One mycotoxin that has been in the news is aflatoxin. It is released by molds that grow on grain in silos and is a known potent carcinogen. When food has gotten moldy, the danger is not from the mold itself but the poisons that they leave behind. Those are not eliminated by cooking.
Yeast mycotoxins created in our bodies can sabotage the function of all cells, organs and systems—hence the aching joints and much worse. They weaken the lining of the intestinal tract (leaky gut) which contributes to both poor nutrient absorption and food sensitivities…perhaps even worsening auto-immune problems. The fungus also crowds out our good bacteria depriving us of their many benefits. To get an idea if yeast might be a problem for you, take the yeast quiz available from this page: LINK.
Find this topic interesting? Please tune in to hear Doug Kaufmann this week on the May 12 show when we talk about how to avoid and control yeast problems. Maybe I will also continue the discussion next week in this newsletter.
Stuart Tomc of Nordic Naturals discussed “Are fatty foods addictive—like cocaine? What can we do to help?” He had some powerful information about why processed foods so easily hook us and perpetuate the munchies. In case you missed it or want to have someone else listen to the show (someone fighting the battle of the bulge?), here is the archive LINK.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Berry Good Reason to Smile!

Healthy by Nature radio show this week: Popular guest Stuart Tomc discusses “Are fatty foods addictive—like cocaine? What can help?” Call the show with questions at 1-800-281-8255. Click here to find pod-casts, show archives and ways to listen nationwide. 
Smiling doesn’t just make people wonder what you’ve been up to. It can also lower your blood pressure. How’s that for a cheap and safe solution? It is widely known that not just mood, but even your facial expression can affect bodily functions like blood pressure. After discussing this effect the other day with nutritionist Gayle Pruitt, I decided to put the factoid in the newsletter. As I usually do, I searched for a study for documentation. I found lots of references to the fact that science "knows" this, but it is apparently such old news that I couldn’t find an actual study. I did find this interesting article which you can also watch as a TED video. LINK.
Berries have been shown to slow mental decline in the elderly by up to 2 ½ years and there is a recent study to back up this one: LINK Berries are great because they are relatively low in sugar but rich in flavonoids and other complex plant nutrients that have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. There are also many super fruits and herbs that have different types of those protective nutrients. Even though I use berries where I can in my diet, I know I don’t get enough. I’m so glad that I have Fruit of the Spirit. It is an effective concentrate equivalent to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables that I can use daily. It is very low in sugar, tastes great and contains: Aloe, Apple, Aronia, Blueberry, Fig, Frankincense (Boswellia), Grape Seed, Hawthorne Berry, Jujube, Lycium Fruit, Myrrh Gum, Plum, Pomegranate, Purple Grape and Sea Buckthorn—plus highly researched Resveratrol and alkalinizing Dead Sea Minerals. Just a shot glass full in water, protein drinks or other juices is all it takes. It is important to prevent later problems, but listeners tell me they do see immediate benefit, e.g. in energy. LINK.1-800-793-8830. (I’ve worked out a discount for you. Just tell them that Martie sent you.)
REMINDER: Ezzilift “Mother’s Day” Special for our listeners only. Tell them I sent you and you can pay for just the Ezzi-lift device ($349) and instead receive the complete kit (value $495).  I put “Mother’s Day” in quotes, because maybe you want this for yourself or your husband. (We won’t tell.) The special price ends at midnight Thursday, May 10th. Ground shipping from Dallas to locations in the US is FREE. Obviously, depending on when you order and where the lovely gift box needs to go, you may have to pay extra for fast delivery to have it arrive before Mother’s Day. This LINK has videos and more information. Call this number to order: 1-855-282-9942
 Last week's show
Dallas area practitioner, Dr. Darcy Brunk, discussed the use of micro-currents to improve the appearance and health of the skin and lift and tighten facial features. Then Valerie Hall, CNHP covered the foods and supplements that contribute to our good looks (and health). She highlighted Hyaluronic Acid and MSM from Doctor’s Best.
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